Dear parents and pupils,
We are really looking forward to welcoming some of you back to Jopson Music Academy and the phased return of face to face music lessons. Over the past two weeks we’ve been working really hard to make sure that JMA is a safe, comfortable and welcoming place to return to and we can’t wait to see you from the 6th July.
Initially this is going to be a gradual return to face to face teaching. Only one teacher will be teaching each day, and only one teaching room is going to be used. Below is a plan on how things are going to work. Please be sure to read carefully so you know how we are going to operate, and please let us know if there are any questions or queries.
Please arrive at your lesson time to allow the smooth running of the new timetable schedule.
Our new face-to-face timetable accommodates a 5 minute gap between lessons, this is to avoid contact between pupils, and gives our team time to adequately clean surfaces and instruments after each lesson.
The waiting room will be out of bounds so please wait outside the academy before your lesson.
A member of the JMA welcome team will be with you when it is time for your lesson so please be patient and don’t worry if the academy front door is locked. As the waiting room is unavailable it means that parents cannot wait inside the academy while their child is having a lesson. We have designated chairs in the teaching rooms for parents who would like to sit in the lesson, but please note this is strictly limited to one family member per lesson. We would encourage you to wait outside or in your car if at all possible.
The car park to the rear of the building will be open and available for you to use.
There are hand sanitiser dispensers on the wall in the entranceway and in the teaching rooms.
We would ask that all pupils and parents use this at the start and end of each lesson.
Our teaching rooms have been set up so all instruments, pupils and teachers remain at a minimum of 2 metres apart, and in most cases more than that. The stools and seats have been set out to ensure maximum distancing, please avoid moving them.
Windows and doors will remain open to maintain good circulation throughout the building.
All pupils must bring their own guitars, drum sticks and music books to the lesson. This is very important and if the pupil turns up to the lesson without those things then the lesson cannot take place.
We will be minimising the amount of contact the pupils have with the JMA instruments so please keep the adjustment of the drum kits and amps to what is absolutely necessary only.
At this time teachers will not be giving out any physical sheet music, lesson notes or handouts in person, these will continue to be emailed.
Please exit the building through the front door, being aware that the next pupil may be waiting outside. If there is a pupil outside we encourage you to walk the opposite way to them around the block and to the car park.
All our teachers have detailed instructions on how to wipe down any instruments, music stands, door handles, light switches etc in the five minute cross over time to ensure good hygiene and safety.
The whole building will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitised at the end of every teaching day.
There will be no toilet facilities, or waiting room available.
As you come into the academy the entire right side of the building is out of bounds. That includes the waiting room, toilet and teaching room three (the singing room).
As we have done throughout the lockdown period we will continue to ask that lessons are paid for in two week blocks (£30), payable on the first lesson and paid for by bank transfer or a payment link sent to you via text. We will not be taking physical payments of card or cash at this time.
Please be aware that the terms and conditions remain in place and any missed lessons will be chargeable.
If you intend to book off a lessons we would appreciate you telling us as soon as possible due to the complicated manner of the timetabling.
If you are showing the following symptoms of Covid 19 (but not limited to) please do not come to the academy for your lesson.
A continuous cough
A temperature or fever
A loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell
If in doubt please do not put anyone else at risk by coming to the academy. We will happily change your lesson to an online lesson instead.