Rudiments Workshop
Our first drum workshop will be taking place on Sunday 29th September, led by JMA Director Chris Jopson This first workshop will be concentrating on Rudiments and applying them around the kit. The workshop is aimed at drummers Grade 3 and above (or equivalent.)
Rudiments are the building blocks to every drum beat, pattern, fill, and solo, so understanding rudiments and practicing them is a must for all drummers. Chris will take the drummers on an intensive rudiment journey, exploring why they are the foundations of drumming, how to practice the different sticking patterns, and how to apply them to your playing. The workshop will compliment and enhance all drummers progression in and out of lessons, and is the start of a series of workshops looking at honing and refining the foundations of drumming at every level of experience.
Places are £10 for the 2 hour workshop. Sunday 29th September 2pm – 4pm. Use our Contact Page or call 01772 888136 if you would like further information or to book you place.