We have two more exciting summer holiday workshops coming up.
Wednesday 24th and Thursday 25th July will see the return of our two day “Rock School” aimed at Primary School aged pupils, and on Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st August we will be holding our first ever two day “Rock n Roll High School” aimed at High School musicians.
Both workshops will concentrate on playing on the first day, then on the second day the pupils will get chance to record what they have been working on from day 1.
Both workshops are a great opportunity for young musicians to get to meet and play with like minded peers, and explore and expand their musical knowledge.
The “Rock School” workshop looks at set pieces of music, and the young musicians have the opportunity to play and work with the various instruments we teach at the academy, musicians of all abilities are welcome to this workshop, and it is even a great opportunity for pupils who have not yet decided on which instrument they want to take up, as they get to try their hand at playing the guitar, drums, bass, keyboard, and singing.
The “Rock n Roll High School” is aimed at young musicians who play an instrument/s and have a good basic understanding of music, it takes a more in depth look at music, the musicians concentrate on playing their own instruments, as well as looking at composing and writing.
Both workshops are £60 for the two days, starting at 9:30am and finishing at 4pm.